Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Cribbage Boards

The turkey is gone, stripped to the bone, and the wish-bone has been snapped in two. Mom and grandma are in the kitchen trying to make some semblance of order to all the dishes that were used in the preparation and consumption of the perfect Thanksgiving dinner.

The football game isn't going your way and you want to put yourself out of your misery. How about pulling out a cribbage board and creating your own competition. Maybe you got the lucky side of the wishbone and you're ready to take advantage of your luck.

Not only will playing a game that enables your mind and your reflexes help you out with the bad football game, but it will also give you a little energy you would otherwise have spent on sleeping.

Visit Cribbage Supply today to check out their vast array of beautifully crafted or traditional cribbage boards and pick out the right one so you can have it before the big game becomes a big flop.